• Academic-vs.-Industrial-Software-Development

    Academic vs. Industrial Software Development

    Academic vs. Industrial Software Development

    ‘Super Programmer’ is what they called me when I was [...]

    ‘Super Programmer’ is what they called me when I was pursuing computer graduation. From college programming [...]

  • ETL Testing Automation

    ETL Testing Automation: An Effective and Efficient Approach

    ETL Testing Automation: An Effective and Efficient Approach

    Turning data into useful information is vital for getting the [...]

    Turning data into useful information is vital for getting the right business insights. But before that, [...]

  • Tools For Artificial Intelligence

    Tools For Artificial Intelligence

    Tools For Artificial Intelligence

    “Artificial intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. The [...]

    “Artificial intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. The ultimate search engine that would understand [...]

  • How is IoT empowering Industry 4.0

    How is IoT empowering Industry 4.0?

    How is IoT empowering Industry 4.0?

    In our day-to-day life, we come across many technologies, like [...]

    In our day-to-day life, we come across many technologies, like wearable health bands tracking heart rate, [...]